Source code for trlx.model.accelerate_ilql_model

from typing import Iterable, Union

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

from trlx.model import register_model
from trlx.model.nn.ilql_models import CausalLMWithValueHeads

from .accelerate_base_model import AccelerateRLModel

[docs]@register_model class AccelerateILQLModel(AccelerateRLModel): def __init__( self, config, logit_mask=None, metric_fn=None, train_mode=True, ): super().__init__(config, train_mode) self.logit_mask = logit_mask self.metric_fn = metric_fn self.reward_fn = None self.params = config.method
[docs] def get_arch(self, config): return CausalLMWithValueHeads( config.model.model_path, params=config.method, num_layers_unfrozen=config.model.num_layers_unfrozen, )
[docs] def tokenize(self, texts: Union[Iterable[str], Iterable[torch.LongTensor]]): if isinstance(texts[0], torch.LongTensor): return texts tokenized = self.tokenizer( [self.tokenizer.bos_token + x + self.tokenizer.eos_token for x in texts], max_length=self.max_length, truncation=True, ) input_ids = list(map(torch.as_tensor, tokenized.input_ids)) return input_ids
[docs] def post_backward_callback(self): if self.iter_count % self.config.method.steps_for_target_q_sync == 0: self.accelerator.unwrap_model(self.model).sync_target_q_heads()
[docs] def loss(self, batch): input_ids = attn = rewards = states_ixs = actions_ixs = dones = logits, qs, target_qs, vs, _ = self.model( input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=attn, actions_ixs=actions_ixs, states_ixs=states_ixs, ) actions = input_ids[:, 1:].gather(dim=1, index=actions_ixs).unsqueeze(-1) bsize, ntokens, dsize = logits.shape # compute two separate q-value estimates, to then select minimum values from both if self.params.two_qs: Q1 = qs[0].gather(-1, actions).squeeze(-1) Q2 = qs[1].gather(-1, actions).squeeze(-1) targetQ1 = target_qs[0].gather(-1, actions).squeeze(-1).detach() targetQ2 = target_qs[1].gather(-1, actions).squeeze(-1).detach() targetQ = torch.minimum(targetQ1, targetQ2) else: Q = qs.gather(-1, actions).squeeze(-1) targetQ = target_qs.gather(-1, actions).squeeze(-1).detach() terminal_mask = dones[:, :-1] n_nonterminal = max(1, terminal_mask.sum()) # values of current states V = vs[:, :-1].squeeze() # values of next states Vnext = vs[:, 1:].squeeze() * dones[:, 1:] # target to fit Q Q_ = rewards + self.params.gamma * Vnext.detach() if self.params.two_qs: loss_q1 = ((Q1 - Q_) * terminal_mask).pow(2).sum() / n_nonterminal loss_q2 = ((Q2 - Q_) * terminal_mask).pow(2).sum() / n_nonterminal loss_q = loss_q1 + loss_q2 else: loss_q = ((Q - Q_) * terminal_mask).pow(2).sum() / n_nonterminal targetQ = targetQ.detach() loss_v = ( ( (targetQ >= V).int() * self.params.tau * (targetQ - V).pow(2) + (targetQ < V).int() * (1 - self.params.tau) * (targetQ - V).pow(2) ) * terminal_mask ).sum() / n_nonterminal if self.params.two_qs: nactions = qs[0].shape[1] loss_cql_q1 = ( F.cross_entropy( qs[0].reshape(-1, dsize), actions.reshape(-1), reduction="none", ).reshape(bsize, nactions) * terminal_mask ).sum() / n_nonterminal loss_cql_q2 = ( F.cross_entropy( qs[1].reshape(-1, dsize), actions.reshape(-1), reduction="none", ).reshape(bsize, nactions) * terminal_mask ).sum() / n_nonterminal loss_cql = loss_cql_q1 + loss_cql_q2 else: nactions = qs.shape[1] loss_cql = ( F.cross_entropy( qs.reshape(-1, dsize), actions.reshape(-1), reduction="none" ).reshape(bsize, nactions) * terminal_mask ).sum() / n_nonterminal loss_awac = ( F.cross_entropy( logits[:, :-1, :].reshape(-1, dsize), input_ids[:, 1:].reshape(-1), reduction="none", ).reshape(bsize, ntokens - 1) * attn[:, 1:] ).sum() / attn[:, 1:].sum() loss = ( loss_q + loss_v + self.params.cql_scale * loss_cql + self.params.awac_scale * loss_awac ) stats = { f"losses/{k}": v for k, v in locals().items() if k in ["loss", "loss_v", "loss_q", "loss_cql", "loss_awac"] } return loss, stats
def prepare_learning(self): train_dataloader = eval_dataloader = self.eval_pipeline.create_loader(self.config.train.batch_size) ( self.model, self.opt, self.train_dataloader, self.eval_dataloader, ) = self.accelerator.prepare( self.model, self.opt, train_dataloader, eval_dataloader ) self.n_updates_per_batch = 1 self.total_steps = self.config.train.epochs * len(train_dataloader) self.total_steps = min(self.total_steps, self.config.train.total_steps) self.generate_kwargs = { "beta": self.config.method.betas[0], "max_length": self.max_length, "logit_mask": self.logit_mask, "eos_token_id": self.tokenizer.eos_token_id if self.tokenizer else 0, "pad_token_id": self.tokenizer.pad_token_id if self.tokenizer else 0, }