Source code for

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Iterable

from torchtyping import TensorType

[docs]@dataclass class PromptElement: """ Dataclass for a single prompt, containing its string and tokenized form. :param text: The prompt text. :type text: str :param tokens: The prompt tokens. Should be a long tensor :type tokens: torch.Tensor """ text: str tokens: TensorType["num_tokens"]
[docs]@dataclass class PromptBatch: """ Batched PromptElement :param text: An iterable of prompt texts. :type text: Iterable[str] :param tokens: A long tensor batch of prompt tokens. :type tokens: torch.Tensor """ text: Iterable[str] tokens: TensorType["batch_size", "num_tokens"]
[docs]@dataclass class AccelerateRLElement: """ Dataclass for RL elements, containing output tokens and rewards for each token. :param tokens: The output tokens. Should be a long tensor :type tokens: torch.Tensor :param rewards: The rewards for each token. Should be a float tensor of same size as tokens. :type rewards: torch.Tensor """ output_tokens: TensorType["output_size"] rewards: TensorType["output_size"]
[docs]@dataclass class AccelerateRLBatchElement: """ Batched accelerate RL element :param tokens: Batches of long tensors of output tokens. :type tokens: torch.Tensor :param rewards: Batches of float tensors of rewards for each output token. :type rewards: torch.Tensor """ output_tokens: TensorType["batch_size", "output_size"] rewards: TensorType["batch_size", "output_size"]