
Training requires configuration to be passed through a set of configs: TrainConfig with training configuration, ModelConfig, TokenizerConfig, OptimizerConfig, SchedulerConfig and a MethodConfig for a specific configuration of a particular algorithm (PPO, ILQL or SFT)


class, model:, optimizer:, scheduler:, tokenizer:, train:[source]

Top level config for trlX. Loads configs and can be converted to dictionary.


Evolve TRLConfig with new parameters. Can update nested parameters. >>> config = >>> config = config.evolve(method=dict(gamma=0.99, gen_kwargs=dict(max_new_tokens=100)) >>> config.method.gamma 0.99

classmethod from_dict(config: Dict)[source]

Convert dictionary to TRLConfig.

classmethod load_yaml(yml_fp: str)[source]

Load yaml file as TRLConfig.


yml_fp (str) – Path to yaml file


Convert TRLConfig to dictionary.

class int, seq_length: int, epochs: int, batch_size: int, checkpoint_interval: int, eval_interval: int, pipeline: str, trainer: str, trainer_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = <factory>, project_name: str = 'trlx', run_name: Optional[str] = None, entity_name: Optional[str] = None, group_name: Optional[str] = None, checkpoint_dir: str = 'ckpts', rollout_logging_dir: Optional[str] = None, save_best: bool = True, save_optimizer: bool = True, resume_from_checkpoint: Optional[str] = None, tracker: Optional[str] = 'wandb', logging_dir: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = <factory>, seed: int = 1000, minibatch_size: Optional[int] = None)[source]

Config for train job on model.

  • total_steps (int) – Total number of training steps

  • seq_length (int) – Number of tokens to use as context (max length for tokenizer)

  • epochs (int) – Total number of passes through data

  • batch_size (int) – Batch size for training

  • tracker (str) – Tracker to use for logging. Default: “wandb”

  • checkpoint_interval (int) – Save model every checkpoint_interval steps. Each checkpoint is stored in a sub-directory of the TrainConfig.checkpoint_dir directory in the format checkpoint_dir/checkpoint_{step}.

  • eval_interval (int) – Evaluate model every eval_interval steps

  • pipeline (str) – Pipeline to use for training. One of the registered pipelines present in trlx.pipeline

  • trainer (Dict[str, Any]) – Trainer to use for training. One of the registered trainers present in trlx.trainer

  • trainer_kwargs – Extra keyword arguments for the trainer

  • project_name (str) – Project name for wandb

  • entity_name (str) – Entity name for wandb

  • group_name (str) – Group name for wandb (used for grouping runs)

  • checkpoint_dir (str) – Directory to save checkpoints

  • rollout_logging_dir (Optional[str]) – Directory to store generated rollouts for use in Algorithm Distillation. Only used by AcceleratePPOTrainer.

  • save_best (bool) – Save best model based on mean reward

  • seed (int) – Random seed

  • minibatch_size (int) – Size of model input during one forward pass. Must divide batch size

class str, model_arch_type: str = 'causal', num_layers_unfrozen: int = -1, peft_config: Optional[Any] = None, model_extra_configs: Dict[str, Any] = <factory>)[source]

Config for a model.

  • model_path (str) – Path or name of the model (local or on huggingface hub)

  • model_arch_type (str) – Type of model architecture. Either “causal” or “seq2seq”

  • num_layers_unfrozen (int) – Number of layers to unfreeze for fine-tuning. -1 means all layers are unfrozen.

  • peft_config (Union[peft.PeftConfig, Dict[str, Any]]) –

    configuration for peft (Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning library). Peft is designed to reduce the number of parameters to train and the memory footprint, without significant performance loss. It supports multiple techniques such as LORA or prefix tuning (cf.

    Here is an example of LORA configuration:

    {“peft_type”: “LORA”, “r”: 8, “lora_alpha”: 32, “lora_dropout”: 0.1}

    (parameter-efficient fine-tuning was previously done in trlx with OpenDelta, but it is no longer supported)

class str, padding_side: str = 'left', truncation_side: str = 'right', tokenizer_extra_configs: Dict[str, Any] = <factory>)[source]

Config for a model.

  • tokenizer_path (str) – Path or name of the tokenizer (local or on huggingface hub)

  • padding_side – Padding side

  • truncation_side (str) – Truncation side

class str, kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = <factory>)[source]

Config for an optimizer.

  • name (str) – Name of the optimizer

  • kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) – Keyword arguments for the optimizer (e.g. lr, betas, eps, weight_decay)

class str, kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = <factory>)[source]

Config for a learning rate scheduler.

  • name (str) – Name of the scheduler

  • kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) – Keyword arguments for the scheduler instance (e.g. warmup_steps, T_max)

class str)[source]

Config for a certain RL method.


name (str) – Name of the method


class trlx.models.modeling_ppo.PPOConfig(name: str, ppo_epochs: int, num_rollouts: int, chunk_size: int, init_kl_coef: float, target: float, horizon: int, gamma: float, lam: float, cliprange: float, cliprange_value: float, vf_coef: float, scale_reward: Optional[str], ref_mean: Optional[float], ref_std: Optional[float], cliprange_reward: float, gen_kwargs: dict, gen_experience_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, num_value_layers_unfrozen: int = 0)[source]

Config for PPO method

  • ppo_epochs (int) – Number of updates per batch

  • num_rollouts (int) – Number of experiences to observe before learning

  • init_kl_coef (float) – Initial value for KL coefficient

  • target (float) – Target value for KL coefficient

  • horizon (int) – Number of steps for KL coefficient to reach target

  • gamma (float) – Discount factor

  • lam (float) – GAE lambda

  • cliprange (float) – Clipping range for PPO policy loss (1 - cliprange, 1 + cliprange)

  • cliprange_value (float) – Clipping range for predicted values (observed values - cliprange_value, observed values + cliprange_value)

  • vf_coef (float) – Value loss scale w.r.t policy loss

  • gen_kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) – Additional kwargs for the generation

  • gen_experience_kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) – if this is not None, then the experience is generated using this

get_advantages_and_returns(values: torch.Tensor[torch.Tensor], rewards: torch.Tensor[torch.Tensor], response_length: int, use_whitening: Optional[bool] = True)Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor][source]

Function that computes advantages and returns from rewards and values. Calculated as in the original PPO paper: Note that rewards may include a KL divergence loss term.

Advantages looks like this: Adv1 = R1 + γ * λ * R2 + γ^2 * λ^2 * R3 + …

  • V1 + γ * (1 - λ) V2 + γ^2 * λ * (1 - λ) V3 + …

Returns looks like this: Ret1 = R1 + γ * λ * R2 + γ^2 * λ^2 * R3 + …

  • γ * (1 - λ) V2 + γ^2 * λ * (1 - λ) V3 + …


values: Tensor of shape (batch_size, response_size) rewards: Tensor of shape (batch_size, response_size) response_length: Length of the response sequence use_whitening: Whether to use whitening (ie. normalize advantages) or not

loss(logprobs: torch.Tensor[torch.Tensor], values: torch.Tensor[torch.Tensor], old_logprobs: torch.Tensor[torch.Tensor], old_values: torch.Tensor[torch.Tensor], advantages: torch.Tensor[torch.Tensor], returns: torch.Tensor[torch.Tensor], mask: torch.Tensor[torch.Tensor])[source]

PPO objective function. References: -


class trlx.models.modeling_ilql.ILQLConfig(name: str, tau: float, gamma: float, cql_scale: float, awac_scale: float, alpha: float, beta: float, steps_for_target_q_sync: int, two_qs: bool, gen_kwargs: dict)[source]

Configuration for ILQL method.


tau – Parameter for expectile regression for the value function to q

estimates, in (0, 1), where tau=0.5 is equivalent to the mean square error and tau=1 is equivalent to taking a maximum over q estimates :type tau: float

  • gamma (float) – Discount factor

  • cql_scale (float) – Scale for the CQL loss (conservative q-learning loss)

  • awac_scale (float) – Scale for the AWAC loss (weighted cross-entropy loss)

  • alpha (float) – Parameter for Polyak averaging of the target Q-head sync, in (0, 1)

  • beta (float) – Parameter for magnitude of weighting effect in the AWAC loss, in (0, 1)

  • steps_for_target_q_sync (int) – Number of steps between target Q-head syncs

  • two_qs (bool) – Whether to use two Q-heads and taking minimum of separate estimates or using only one

  • gen_kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments for the generation method